Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Information about Charcoal

Charcoal is an amorphous, porous form of carbon made by the destructive distillation of almost any carbonaceous material such as wood, coconut shells, animal bones, and corn cobs. Woods, coconut shells, and animal bones do not produce harmful chemicals, such as methylcholanthrene and benzopyrene in the process of burning. Accordingly, powdered charcoal is an antiseptic and adsorbent.
Charcoal powder can be given for dyspepsia (poor digestion) where foul breath and smelly eructation are present, and for the offensive smell in the bowels which usually attend to pregnancy.

The most important work of charcoal powder in the treatment of various diseases is it adsorbs chemical substances that are harmful to the body, like germs, viruses, toxins, wound secretions, and other results of infections. Charcoal does not absorb but rather it adsorbs substances, by "adsorb" means to take up, hold on, or spread out on the surface of the molecules. Charcoal works like a magnet, it collects foreign substances around it, bonding them all together and disposes of them through the excretory system.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Charcoal Therapy?

Have you heard about charcoal therapy? It surprises me when I’ve read about it and it really catches my attention since then. I’ll write more about it in my blog these days and you’ll definitely be amused with it.

Charcoal has been used as a simple remedy for different health problems since the time of Hippocrates who lived from 460 to 370 B.C.

Ellen G. White spearheaded the use of charcoal in the late 1800 for treating different diseases. She stated in one of her books: “One of the most beneficial remedies is pulverized charcoal, placed in a bag and used in fermentations. This is the most successful remedy…I have prescribed this simple remedy, with perfect success…This works like a charm.” She continues: “I expect you will laugh at this; but if I could give this remedy some outlandish name that no one knew but myself, it would have greater influence…But the simplest remedies may assist nature, and leave no baleful effects after their use.”

Some diseases that can be cured with charcoal are:
1.       Indigestion
2.       Inflammation of the bowel/dysentery
3.       Inflammation of the eyes
4.       Inflammation and bruises
5.       Boils
6.       Insect and snake bites
7.       Typhoid fever; and a lot more

I’ll discuss more about these on my following blogs…

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Medical Ethics and its Principles

In any field or profession, there should be principles and ethics that should be followed as cardinal rule. The medical profession has long subscribed to a body of ethical statements developed primarily for the benefit of the patients/clients. A physician must recognize responsibility not only to patients, but also to the society, to other health professionals and to himself. These ethics are not laws, but standards of conduct which define the essentials of honorable behavior for all professionals.

A Physician shall;
  •  be dedicated to provide competent  medical services with compassion and respect for human dignity.
  • deal honestly with patients and colleagues, and strive to expose those physicians deficient in character or competence, or who engage in fraud or deception.
  • respect the rights of patients, colleagues and other health professionals and safeguard patient confidences within the constraints of the law.
  • continue to study, apply and advance scientific knowledge, make relevant  information available to patients, colleagues and the public. Obtain consultation and use the talents of other health professionals when indicated.
  • in the provision of appropriate patient care, except in emergencies, be free to choose whom to serve, with whom to associate and the environment in which to provide medical services.
  • recognize a responsibility to participate in the activities contributing to an improved community.
If your physician or doctors, do not apply or use these ethics, you can have them reprimanded or you can have their license canceled. But most of the time, Physicians are following these ethics. 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Time to see your doctor

It is already common that we only go to our doctor in case of emergency or disease. Sometimes, our doctor can still handle the illness, but what if he can't? It will be your last visit to your doctor, isn't it?

Here are some body signals that we need to see our doctors without delay if we experience any of the following symptoms;
  • For women, unusual bleeding or discharge, vaginal bleeding between periods, during pregnancy or after menopause; bleeding or discharge from the nipples. In both sexes, rectal bleeding; feces (they will look black and tarry), urine (it may range from faint pink to dark brown), cough up phlegm and sputum or vomit.
  • Any marked change in bowel or bladder habits.
  • A sore that doesn't heal about three weeks.
  • A change in the size or appearance of a mole, freckle or skin blemish.
  • A lump, swelling or thickening in a woman's breast or in either sexes, elsewhere in the body; any change in the contour of a woman's breast.
  • Nagging hoarseness or coughing; a worsening smoker's cough.
  • Chronic indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
  • A sudden, unexplained  drop in weight; loss of appetite.
  • Recurrent vomiting.
  • Unexplained chronic pain, new or unusually severe pain in the head., chest or abdomen.
  • Chronic fever or night sweats.
  • Unexplained lightheadedness or fainting spells.
  • Blurred vision; seeing halos around lights.
  • Sever, unexplained shortness of breath.
  • Bluish lips, eyelids or nail beds.
  • Chronically swollen ankles.
  • Excessive thirst.
  • Unusual weakness or fatigue.
  • Yellowing of the skin or the whites of the eyes (jaundice).
  • In men, frequent difficul or uncomfortable urination and a discharge from the penis.
You need to visit your doctor if you have one or more of these symptoms before its too late. Prevention is still better than cure. Visit your doctor today and live healthy and happy.

(Source: Reader's digest)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Benefits of Gardening

Having fresh air to breath not only makes your body healthy it also refreshes your soul. Observe, when you’re on a trip by land and you passes by a place with many trees and plants, see how it felt good smelling fresh air with the scent of nature. You can achieve this similar feeling by planting trees, plants and vegetables around your backyard. Fill open spaces of your area with plants, it can make your home more beautiful; plants will provide you fresher air plus Mother Nature will be happier.
For some, like me, gardening is a therapy. Every time I plant, I feel good, realizing that this plant will ultimately have a little part in preserving our beloved nature; and this little part will become big if everybody participates in protecting the nature. Moreover, plants for me have positive energy that makes me happy. I think there are a lot of advantages in gardening and I will enumerate some to encourage you to plant;

1.       Plants make your home beautiful;
2.       Plants will provide you fresh air which ultimately benefits you and your family;
3.       It helps our Mother Nature;
4.       It prevents soil erosion in the garden;
5.       It makes you feel good since gardening is an efficient way to reduce stress;
6.       It physically helps your body in the form of exercise;
7.       When you plant vegetables or fruit-bearing trees, it will provide you food.

When you have smaller backyard or area you can try planting in pots, just arrange it properly so as not to make your space crowded. Anyway, plants will not grow bigger if you plant them in pots except if you place them into huge pots. But if you have larger area, it is much better; you can even plant vegetables, herbs or fruit-bearing trees. Try planting now and experience the good feeling I’m talking about.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Basic of Health Care - You and your Doctor

Your relationship with your doctor is as unique as it is important. In the strictest terms, it is highly professional arrangement, one involving the hiring of a medical expert to treat your health needs. Yet it is a relationship that fosters a degree of intimacy, both physical and emotional, which may on occasion be as great as that found in other areas of your life or even greater. Most of all, your relationship with your doctor must work. To be successful, it must be based first and comforemost on communication - the clear, complete and comfortable exchange of information, which is the foundation of all good medical care.

But the question is when and whom to choose one. Finding a doctor when you are sick or worse in an emergency is never a good idea. Time is likely to be short and your judgment may be affected. The best time to find a doctor is when you least need one. This is the time when you will have the luxury of making careful, informed choice and to have the opportunity of establishing a comfortable working relationship with the doctor before a medical problem occurs. Also, this will give the doctor time to assess your general health condition. So when an emergency or illness occurs, your doctor have records of your normal or standard health condition.

Whom to choose? Here, we need to differentiate between a specialist physician, a family physician and general practitioner.

A specialist physician is a doctor who has undergone eight years of post medical school in the diagnosis and treatment of general medical disorder and has acquired specialist qualifications in a university or college of physicians. He does not perform surgery or deliver babies, but may be the first to confirm a pregnancy or recommend a surgery,; or may coordinate the treatmnent provided by a number of specialist.

Family physician and general practitioner on the other hand are interchangeable; both refer to doctors who provide primary health care for people of all ages both male and female. To practice, they must complete at least one year of postgraduate training, but most have had additional training in hospitals or working with other general practitioners. Some have had trainings even up to specialist level in areas such as obstetrics, pediatrics, psychotherapy and community medicine.

In some rural areas, a general practitioner performs a wider range of services than the specialist physician or other specialist. Besides providing routine care, the general practitioner is trained to deliver babies, counsel parents, do immunizations, set broken bones, provide contraceptive advice, do annual check ups, take cervical smears and perform minor surgery.

Some general practitioners may recommend or refer you to a specialist if he can no longer give treatment or he lacks experience in some illnesses or major surgery that only specialist surgeon are capable of.

You need to have at least have one family physician or General practitioner and one specialist physician. But in most cases, only a family physician is known. With this, your doctor will advice your or refer to some specialist he knows when needs arises.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Herbs and Supplements handbook

I have this Herbs and Supplement Handbook. I want to share it with you so you have a copy. This is great as reference and guide in exploring alternative medicine using these herbs.

I find this e-book very useful and helpful in times of illnesses and diseases. For those who cannot download this e-book, I will post some of them one by one on a daily basis.

Please "Click Me to Download".

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Herb 101 - Astragalus

The roots of astragalus have been usedbyu Chinese herbalist for more than two thousand years and is believe to be the most important and most popular herb for invigorating vital energy health promotion and strengthening Qi. It is also used as emulsifier, food thickener and anti-diarrhoeal agent.

It most cases, Astragalus is used as anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic, improved digestion, improved sperm motility and Hepatoprotective actions. It is also used to facilitate chemotherapy for cancer patients to reduce associated side effects.

Dosage limit;
  • Dried root = 2 to 30 grams per day
  • Liquid extract or solid dose = 4.5 to 8.5 ml per day
  • Decoction = 8 to 12 grams divided into two doses daily on an empty stomach

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tom & Jerry Greatest Chases 2010

I have found a collection of Tom & Jerry and I would like to share to all fans of this famous cartoon characters. I personally like their chemistry. In the end, they are friends.

Please check this out. Download and see Tom chases Jerry and vise versa.

Hope you like it as I love them.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Silence, Meditation for the Soul

I don't know if you'll agree, but I think sometimes we also wanted to have our silent moment where we can ponder a lot of things, just relax or just do nothing at all. A Buddhist always do this when they meditate, but their manner of silence is quite unique. When they contemplate, they try to think nothing, gradually allowing their senses to loosen up until their mind will stop thinking about anything, similar to a blank paper. During this condition they achieve I guess what they call "enlightenment".

Have you ever experienced silence? There is a good feeling afterward that you can't explain, its beyond reason. I'm not sure if it applies to you but as for me it did. That's why when I have a chance, I try to have a moment alone, where there's no noise and you hear nothing. During this moment, a lot of affirmative things happen, I felt good and relief, feeling the peace in silence...and then I'll take a deep breath like letting positive things get in my body and the negative things out. In the course of my meditation, a lot of things comes in my mind like how blessed I am and should be thankful for numerous blessings I received from God; I can't understand, but all that I can think of or reflect are positive idea, maybe that's the reason why I find peace in silence and felt good after. It's really an amazing experience and I hope everybody will experience it too!

We all have different thought of silence, it depends on what silence is for you, you may even have or achieve silence even in a loud or noisy situation. Whatever it is, it is worth living through.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Herb 101 - Aloe vera

Aloe Vera has been used as medicinal herb since ancient times. Evidence was found on a Mesopotamian Clay tablet dating back to 2100 BC. It is used as topical  treatment for wound, burns, and other skin conditions and internally as general tonic, anti-inflammatory agent, carminative, laxative, aphrodisiac and anthelmintic by ancient Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Indians and Spaniards. Today, Aloe Vera is use to soothe skin disorder and heal burns, and is one of the most common ingredient for cosmetic products.

The leaves, from which several different products are made, namely the exudate, gel, extract and juice. The exudate is a thick residue, yellow in color and bitter in taste, that comes from the latex that oozes out when leaf is cut. The gel refers to the clear gel or mucilage produced by the inner parenchymal cells in the central part of the leaf. Diluted Aloe Vera gel is commonly known as aloe extract or aloe juice.

Aloe Vera has other many uses, some them are the following;
  • Anti-ulcer because of its anti-inflammatory properties and cytoprotective effect.
  • Hypoglycaemic as it slows down carbohydrate absorption
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-viral
Dosage limitations;
  • Gel, fresh from living plant or as stabilized juice up to 25ml, four times daily
  • Extracts standardized to acemannan: preparation containing up to 800 mg per day
  • Topical application; gel, cream or ointment as needed
  • Tincture of resin (latex); 1.5 to 4.5 ml per day
Aloe very has no side effects, safe to use and most of all non-toxic.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Herb 101 - Albizia

Albizia got its name from Filipo del Albizi, an 18th century nobleman, who introduced the species for cultivation. It has been used in ayurvedic medicine for many years and is still very popular treatment for asthma, allergy and eczema.

Its leaves and stem bark is used to cure allergic rhinitis, urticaria and asthma in clinical  practice. In vitro and vivo evidence of mast-cell stabilization provide a theoretical basis for its used in allergic condition. Traditionally, a juice made from its leaves has been used internally to treat night blindness. Its bark and seeds have been used to relieve diarrhoea, dysentery and hemorrhoids, most likely because of it astringent activity. The flowers have been used as an emollient to soothe eruptions, swellings, boils and carbuncles.

Dosage should not exceed 3.5 to 8.5 ml per day for liquid in take while for dried herb, limit is 3 to 6 grams per day.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Herb 101 - Adhatoda

Adhatoda or commonly known as Malabar nut tree has been used for hundreds of years as an important ayurvedic medicine. It is used to treat cough, asthma, bronchitis and tubecolosis (TB).

Leaves and its roots are the most common part where they extract or dried for medicine use. In some areas and cases, Malabar has been used to stimulate birthing process and aid healing after wards.

Dosage should not exceed 1-3 ml per day for liquid consumption and 1.5 grams for dried application.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Alternative Medicine - Hydrotherapy - Steam Inhalation

Hydrotherapy means treatment with the use of water in any of  three states; solid, liquid and gaseous. Steam inhalation is under gaseous state. Inhalation of warm, moist air into the mucus membranes and respiratory tract. It relieves inflammation and congestion of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. It also relieves irritation (throat tickle) by moistening the air. Loosens secretions and stimulates expectorant. Relaxes muscles and thus relieves coughing. It prevents excessive dryness of the mucuos membranes and it relieves spamodic breathing.

Things that you'll be needing in doing this procedure.
  1. Boiling water in a kettle
  2. Hot plate or gas stove
  3. Tincture of benzoin or camphor oil
  4. Old newspaper as breathing passage
  5. umbrella or tent to enclosed steam
Put tincture of benzoin or camphor in boiling water. Keep the water boiling by putting it on gas stove. If tent is used, put the kettle near the patient, with kettle pointing towards patient. Make a cylindrical tube using old newspapers and put it in the kettle's mouth or opening. The cylindrical newspaper should be facing the patient so steam is directed into the patient's face for inhalation. Treatment time is 30 minute up to one hour. It should be done in the morning and in the evening.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kalingag (Cinnamomum mercadoi Vidal Lauraceae)

Kalingag as is known in the Philippines is a medium size tree with relatively thick, aromatic bark. It reaches a diameter of 60 cm and sometime more. Its bark is gray, without fissures or cracks and covered irregularly with cork pustules, which give it a slightly rough appearance. The leaves are smooth, opposite, elliptical , 7-14 cm long and 3-6.5 cm wide; apex is acute, tip is rounded; texture is leathery; both faces are glabrous, the upper face is shiny while the lower has glaucous ochre bloom.

Its medicinal values are; Its bark, when masticated and taken internally, helps in digestion. It is also used for flatulence (gas accumulation in the alimentary canal) ans as expectorant. It is used for tuberculosis and as a remedy for headaches and rheumatism.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Alternative Medicine - Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy is a branch of medicine developed in the eighteenth century alongside with orthodox medicine. It relies very much on the body's own considerable healing powers and uses only mineral, plant and animal substances in its treatments.

A sick person is given minute quantities of heavily diluted natural substances, which if given in a concentrated dose to a healthy person would produce the symptoms of the same disorder.

Orthodox medicine asserts that the dilutions are so great that the resulting liquid is little more than of pure water and must therefore be ineffectual. But for people concerned about the side effects of many powerful modern drugs based on artificial chemical substances, homeopathy offers an alternative solution.. In addition, Homoeopaths  take a great interest in the patient's lifestyle, personality which generates an atmosphere of confidence and reassurance.This cannot help but assist in patient's recovery.

Though homoeopathy is not widely used, in Australia and New Zealand, it is becoming popular.

In my future post, I will list down some herbs and plants are used in alternative medicine. I will include an ebook of herbal plants.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Alternative Medicine - Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine is an ancient system of treatment involving the use of plants, or substances extracted from them. Many drugs used by doctors today are also derived from plants , but herbalist use them in their natural, unrefined, unconcentrated form; they consider that in this way, side effects are balanced.

Herbal medicine are administered in infusions, decoction, liquid medicines, tablets or creams.Herbal medicine is a complementary of the orthodox and western medical treatment.

In most areas here in the Philippines, Herbal medicine is widely used. There are professional doctors who specialize in this field and they develop their own medicine from herbs and plants. From medicine, today there are soaps that are infused with herbs for added benefits. Shampoos followed for better looking and healthy hair.

If you think you're not using any of these herbs and plants, think again. It is widely used and most of us don't know that we are using it.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Alternative Medicine - Chiropractic and Osteopathy

Chiropractic and Osteopathy were both developed late 19th century and deal with problems of the spine by manipulation. Both have similar treatment but differs in theory, however, often combines both method.

Osteopaths believe that faulty alignment of bone structure is the underlying cause of many disorders. The body is examined as an integrated whole and treatment is through powerful manipulation of joints and by massaging the muscles.

Chiropractors on the other hand believe that disorders result from faulty working of the spine, which affects the normal function of the nervous system. They treat specific joints, muscles or bone areas rather than the body as a whole. Treatment involves a more forceful manipulation of the joints than osteopathy.

In some cases, by using this methods, patient can be save from undergoing surgery. Both methods do not use injections or active drugs, instead, Chiropractors and osteopaths may recommend using herbal medicine.

Before going to a chiropractor or osteopath, check if they are registered or license to practice either of the two, or at least have years of experience in doing this alternative medicine to avoid accident.